My Dream House is a house that will I live with my wife and my kids.
my dream house is not bad and not good, simple but luxurious. size 7 x 12 meters. which will be built on the land area of 10 x 20 meters, because I want to have a big yard and garden will be made there. the front of the building just one floor, with a roof area where we can play and hang the clothes on it. the back was built two floors with a chimney that is connected to the first floor.
my dream house there are seven rooms and some for whom the room - the room. the front is the living room is next to the garage and a little forward, with the door facing the side. in the corner in the living room there is a corner cupboard containing glassware collection. facing the door and stuck to the side wall above the sofa chairs around the living room, there are shelves of books. collection of books, comics, novels and others - are found there.
wElcOmE tO "thE gAlAxy Of ADAM" tEmpAt yAng sEdAng kAmU sInggAhI dAn tEmpAt AsyIk bUAt pArA blOggEr, hArUsnyA sIh bEgItU... nAmAnyA gAlAxy IsInyA jUgA mAcEm-mAcEm, dIsInI bAnyAk InfOrmAsI yAng bIsA kAmU dApAt, kAlAU mAsIh AdA yAng kUrAng jAngAn sUngkAn-sUngkAn kAsIh kOmEntAr tErsErAh kAliAn mAU kAsIh kOmEnt kAyAk ApA tEtEp AkU tErImA dEngAn senAng hAtI, kArEnA Aku tAhU kAlIAn sEmUA AdAlAh tEmAn-tEmAn tErbAIkkU yAng bAIk-bAIk...
InI tOh yAng nAmAnE ADAM...

- neutron
- namAkU ADAM... AkU mEngErtI bAhwa cIntA ItU bUkAn mEnyAyAngI OrAng yAng sEmpUrnA tApI cIntA ItU AdAlAh mEnyAyAngI OrAng yAng tAk sEmpUrnA dEngAn cArA yAng sEmpUrnA. Jika hujan bagai KESULITAN matahari bagai KEBAHAGIAAN, maka kita membutuhkan keduanya untk bisa melihat PELANGI
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